The list price for a 5-day supply of PAXLOVID is $1,390.*
List price is not what most people pay, although it may have an impact
on your out-of-pocket obligation.

As of November 1, 2023, distribution of PAXLOVID will begin to transition from the US Government to Pfizer for patients covered by private insurance. As always, we are working to help ensure low to no cost for eligible patients and will provide information on what most people actually pay (out of pocket) when it is available.

Only your insurance company or pharmacy
can tell you the exact amount you will pay.
Please contact them for specific cost information.

If you need help paying for your Pfizer medicines,
Pfizer may be able to help.

See available options for eligible people below.

PAXCESS Patient Support Program

This program aims to provide you with financial assistance resources so you can get treated
with prescription PAXLOVID as soon as possible.

Learn More

For more information about PAXLOVID, including
Full Prescribing Information, BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide, click here.